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modified on Sep. 26, 2024

Accelerating ADC Drug Development with Technology Innovation and an Integrated Platform
Bingquan (Stuart) Wang, PhD
Senior Director, US-EU CMC Management, WuXi XDC

Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are among the fastest-growing therapies for life-threatening diseases, thanks to their innovative mechanism of action and targeted approach to unmet medical needs. However, ADC development presents unique and serious challenges, as the combination of large and small molecules increases complexity and slows progress. Producing the native antibody, drug, and linker requires multiple processes, along with essential assays to support manufacturing, characterization, and stability testing. In this webinar, we will address the main challenges in the ADC field, explore strategies to overcome these hurdles, and discuss methods to accelerate CMC development for IND and BLA submissions. Additionally, we will analyze relevant case studies to provide practical insights that you can apply to your own projects.

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