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Press Releases

Bring Our Light of Hope to the Darkness
Oct. 22, 2021
Bring Our Light of Hope to the Darkness
  • A special report on our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives in Ireland


How long has it been since you watched the sunrise? Our employees at WuXi Biologics Ireland MFG6&7 recently participated in Darkness into Light Sunrise organized by Pieta House, an Ireland–based charitable organization, and Electric Ireland. Let’s follow them to usher in this special reemergence of the sun over Dundalk, Ireland.


‘HOPE’ LED Light Display on the Roof of the WuXi Biologics MFG6&7 Building


Pieta House is an Irish charity set up in 2006 to provide free, accessible, one-to-one counselling to people suffering from suicidal ideations, engaging in self-harm or to those bereaved by suicide. One of the highlights of their fundraising calendar is the Darkness into Light event which takes place in May every year. The walk typically takes place just before sunrise. The event got its start when 400 people in Dublin’s Phoenix Park had set off on the inaugural Darkness into Light 5 km walk to raise funds for Pieta House back in 2009. The event has grown over the years, with the first international walk taking place in 2012 in London. Since then, Pieta House has partnered with international charities to share this event worldwide so that these charities can benefit from the investment to support their local mental health support services. A total of 200,000 people across 18 countries and 202 venues participated in the event. Since its commencement, Darkness into Light has helped raise almost €29 million in vital funds.


In 2021, due to COVID-19 restrictions, participants were not able to complete the walk at dedicated Darkness into Light venues but took part by themselves or with their families in smaller settings, sharing their walk, run, swim or bike ride on social media.


WuXi Biologics Employees and contractors Participated in the Event


To mark this important event, employees at WuXi Biologics and our engineering partner Jacobs decided to organize a lighting display showing the words ‘Hope’ on the roof of the WuXi Biologics building. A total of 150 people attended the lighting of the sign at dawn on the morning of May 7. Even though it was a wet and cold May morning, this was a poignant and memorable event for everyone who took part. Later in the day, EHS also had a toolbox talk on mental health for all construction teams. The event raised over €4,300 for Pieta House. Caring for one another is a very worthy cause, especially during these difficult times. We thank everyone who participated and donated for this event.