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Protein Sciences

Uniting Drug Development Expertise with Antibody & Protein Production Services

Antibody Drug Development

Antibody drugs have ushered in a new era of targeted treatments for many human diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases. Scientists have harnessed the unique specificities of diseases to design potent antibody drugs that target cellular or molecular pathways with unparalleled precision. Today, several FDA-approved monoclonal antibodies have become standard treatments for various ailments, leading to significant improvements in patient care and outcomes.


Among the advancements in antibody drugs, bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) are gaining increasing popularity, alongside AI-driven antibody drug development. Furthermore, the shift towards personalized medicine is fueling the development of patient-specific antibody drugs. Given these evolving trends and the challenges they present, our dedicated team of experts is poised to empower your drug development.

Elevate your research with our research stage production of monoclonal antibodies, bispecific antibodies, and antibody fragments (Fab, VHH, scFv).

Different Services for Different Stages of Antibody Discovery

We combined biologics drug development expertise with high-titer, high-purity antibody and protein production for research use.

Featured Services for Antibody Drug Development

At WuXi Biologics, our Protein Sciences (PS) Department provides research-grade antibody production services that harness the latest advancements in biotechnology. Whether you need monoclonal or bispecific antibodies, or antibody fragments (e.g., Fab, VHH, and scFv), we ensure every client receives top-quality proteins to drive groundbreaking research and therapeutic advancements.

Case Study: High-Titer Expression of Antibody Drug Molecules Using the Ultra 96+ Platform

Our Ultra 96+ platform provides high-throughput (HTP) antibody production with a daily production of over a thousand antibodies. This advanced platform incorporates an ultra-high titer transient CHO expression system that significantly enhances titers and overall yields, as demonstrated below.

Figure A: The Ultra 96+ platform offers remarkable mean final yield of antibody drug molecules in in 1 mL culture using 96-DWP, achieving 1.2 mg for 960 antibodies, 0.98 mg for 536 VHH-Fc, 0.55 mg for 557 Fab, and 0.3 mg for 100 His-VHH. The proteins are suitable for in vitro assays.

The Ultra 96+ platform offers remarkable mean final yield of antibody drug molecules in in 1 mL culture using 96-DWP, achieving 1.2 mg for 960 antibodies, 0.98 mg for 536 VHH-Fc, 0.55 mg for 557 Fab, and 0.3 mg for 100 His-VHH. The proteins are suitable for in vitro assays.

Your Project. Our Expertise.