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Accelerated IND for COVID – Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2022
Mar. 29, 2022
Accelerated IND for COVID – Biologics Manufacturing Asia 2022


WuXi Biologics contributed to the global race against COVID-19 by enabling development of neutralizing antibodies at “the speed of light”. Through its comprehensive platform technologies and one-stop shop capabilities from development to manufacturing, WuXi Biologics established the industry leading 12 months DNA to IND program for monoclonal antibodies development in 2019. In response to the pandemic, WuXi Biologics reduced the DNA to IND program to 6 months in general and the fastest program was at 2.5 months. To date, WuXi Biologics has enabled over 20 approved INDs for various clinical trials globally. We have successfully delivered more than 1500kg of neutralizing antibodies and millions of doses of vaccines in the fight against COVID-19. The lessons learned during this pandemic can be applied to develop “typical” biologics in terms of accelerated timelines not only from DNAs to INDs, but also from INDs to BLAs.



Chris Siew Chong Lee, Singapore Site Head

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