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Product Characterization Services

Decipher complex structures with innovative analytics


In the rapidly evolving landscape of biologics, understanding the intricate details of your product is crucial for ensuring quality control (QC) and meeting regulatory requirements. Our product characterization service employs advanced technologies to provide a deep understanding of your product and process, allowing you to strategically plan your next steps. This integrated solution offers a thorough assessment of every aspect of your product, from primary structure to biological effects and impurity profiles. Expertise on global regulatory requirements from early stages to late allows us to offer flexible, phase-appropriate strategies meticulously tailored to the unique needs of your product. Covering a wide range of capabilities for mammalian and microbial modalities, our service reliably delivers comprehensive insights.


Key features


Single-source characterization

  • Over 100 dedicated scientists with advanced degrees for highly efficient analysis and innovative techniques
  • Over 30 types of industry benchmark instruments with full assay coverage to enable a flexible characterization strategy
  • Commercial software and in-house scripts for high-quality data and reporting


Vast experience

  • Over 750 products characterized
  • Over 100 antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) characterized


Fast delivery

  • Rapid project initiation
  • Testing turnaround in 1–4 weeks
  • Testing labs with a global presence


Regulatory expertise

  • Support for over 350 global regulatory filings
  • Compliant with regulatory standards from IND to BLA


Advanced technologies for optimum solutions


As an industry-leading provider of analytical solutions, WuXi Biologics features a comprehensive range of characterization assay capabilities paired with cutting-edge technologies. From analytical- and biophysical-based methods to mass spectrometry (MS) and more, we are equipped with the latest techniques to gain a holistic view of a broad range of modalities. Our advanced technologies join deep expertise and experience to expedite your biologic’s journey to market.



Structure elucidation


Catalogue Analysis Methods
Primary structure Molecular mass analysis LC-MS
Peptide mapping LC-MS/MS*
Biophysics characterization Higher-order structure Far/near UV-CD, FTIR, florescence, extinction coefficient, free sulfhydryl
Aggregates and fragments AUC-SV, SEC-MALS
Thermal stability DSC
Particle sizing DLS, MFI

* Other methods or techniques are available.


Advanced solutions


Catalogue Analysis Methods
Functional characterization Target binding affinity ELISA, AlphaLISA HTRF, SPR, Octet, MSD, flow cytometry
Fc binding affinity Full-panel FcRn binding, C1q binding
Functional analysis Proliferation, cytotoxicity, signal-transduction/apoptosis, cytokine release, enzyme activity
Off-target effect and bystander killing assay Product-specific methods
Variant characterization Sequence variant LC-MS/MS
Glyco variant O-glycosylation site ID with EAD/ETD fragmentations*
Cysteine variant Cystine knot ID with EAD/ETD fragmentations*
Charge, size, and conjugation variants Semi-preparative column fraction collection and characterization, online detection
HCP proteomics HCP identification and quantitation LC-MS/MS
Targeted HCP quantitation LC-PRM-MS
Forensic Analysis Particle identification OM/IR/Raman microscopy, SEM-EDS
Support investigation Not applicable

* Other methods or techniques are available.

Case study: customized variant characterization


A case study for our product characterization service demonstrates a flexible strategy for variant characterization. The choice of a lean, agile strategy using online technologies coupled with MS to direct identification empowers you to achieve more time-efficient methods suitable for pre-clinical stages.



We also offer an extended strategy that uses semi-preparative column fraction collection and in-depth characterization. This approach empowers you to understand variants with low detection limits and obtain comprehensive assay results for a more detailed analysis.

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