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Scientific Poster Download

webinar modified on 17/10/2023

A Novel Conjugation Technology for Native Antibodies that Generates ADCs with a Narrowly Distributed DAR
Qirui Fan, Lin Zhang, Ao Ji, Xudong Dai, Jiawei Lu, Laisen Wang, Yanjie Zhao, Zekun Wang
WuXi XDC (Shanghai), Co. Ltd.

Conventional lysine- or cysteine-based conjugation results in heterogeneous ADC products due to a wide drug-to-antibody ratio(DAR) distribution. Over the last decade, many site-specific conjugation technologies have been developed to address this issue, yet the improved homogeneity usually comes at a cost. To address these issues, WuXi XDC developed WuXiDAR2™, WuXiDAR4™ and WuXiDAR6™, collectively referred to as the WuXiDARx technology platform.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the 2023 World ADC Conference in San Diego

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