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Scientific Poster Download

webinar modified on 17/10/2023

Developability Assessment and Optimization of Antibodies and Antibody-derived Molecules at Early-Stage Discovery
Weijie Zhang, Nan Feng, Shuang Wang, Hang Zhou, Jianqing Xu, Jijie Gu and Zhuozhi Wang
WuXi Biologics, 1951 West Huifeng Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China

Although the safety and efficacy of a drug candidate are evaluated by sponsors and regulatory agencies, many aspects of developability of a given antibody candidate during early drug R&D are sometimes overlooked. In this poster, we outline our novel criterion of developability and general developability screening process during the early discovery stage of antibody-derived therapeutics.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the Festival of Biologics 2023 conference

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