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Protein Sciences

One Stop Shop for Research Protein Generation

With multiple platforms for protein generation, we produce diverse research grade proteins and antibodies to fit your needs.

Featured Services

WuXi Biologics’ industry-leading research protein generation group produces high-quality proteins and antibodies to meet your schedule and requirements. No project is too large or small. Our team of experts can support preparation of the most complex proteins or provide one to hundreds of standard antibodies and proteins for your diverse needs including early-stage research, lead candidate screening, immunizations, in vivo studies, biochemical assays, crystal structure analysis, and other research purposes.

WuXi Biologics Solution: One-Stop Shop for Protein and
Antibody Generation

Projects can be structured by either a FTE or FFS model to meet your project needs. Our labs feature high-throughput expression and purification systems to maximize efficiency.

Production Platforms

uHTP Antibody Production Platform

An automated 1-step purification program for 100-1500ug, suitable for in vitro assays.

Automated 1 -step Purification

HTP Production of High-Quality Vanilla Antibody

Our 7-7-7 protein generation model produces high quality antibodies suitable for in vitro and in vivo studies with an 7-day turnaround time for gene synthesis, protein expression, and purification.

Automated 2 -step Purification

A customized HTP Bispecific Production Platform

A unique 3-step automatic purification model which can produce 99% heterodimers.

Automated 3 -step Purification

For Early Discovery

Including In silico screening, molecular assessment and developability to ensure success going to IND phase.

Protein Analytics Platform

Our comprehensive analytics and testing platforms help you assess your molecules early on so you can triage and optimize your candidates as efficiently and effectively as possible.