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Scientific Poster Download

modified on 04/04/2024

GramExpress Platform: Large-Scale Monoclonal Antibody Production
Qian Guo, Ning Xu, Li Zhang, Jiansheng Wu
WuXi Biologics, NO.240 Hedan Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) continue to be a major focus in the pharmaceutical industry, with their development advancing at a fast pace. Meeting customer demand by efficiently producing premium-quality antibodies on a large scale in a short timeframe presents a significant challenge. At WuXi Biologics, our Protein Sciences (PS) Department has developed the GramExpress platform to meet this challenge. By harnessing our high-titer WuXianTM Transient expression system and adaptable purification methods, GramExpress achieves superior yields and purity within an accelerated timeframe.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the Festival of Biologics 2024 conference

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