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Mass Spec Enables More Definitive Biologics Drug Discovery and Development
Oct. 29, 2024
Mass Spec Enables More Definitive Biologics Drug Discovery and Development

Webinar title:

Mass Spec Enables More Definitive Biologics Drug Discovery and Development



The inherent heterogeneity of protein therapeutics, resulting from structural modifications and sequence variants, presents significant challenges to their quality, efficacy and safety. Mass Spectrometry (Mass Spec) stands out as a pivotal tool, offering unparalleled sensitivity and specificity in elucidating protein primary structures and understanding structure-function relationships.


Join our webinar to explore WuXi Biologics’ advanced Mass Spec-based protein characterization, such as cIEF-MS, high throughput (HTP) Intact Mass, Mass Spec-based glycan platforms and de novo sequencing. Through detailed case studies, we will demonstrate how these innovative methodologies are accelerating the discovery and development of biologic drugs.


In this webinar, you will learn:


  • Comprehensive approaches to Mass Spec-based protein characterization, tailored for biologics.
  • Advanced Mass Spec techniques, including cIEF-MS for charge variants, HTP Intact Mass, glycan analysis, de novo sequencing, and more.
  • How customized Mass Spec methods identify and resolve anomalies detected in routine testing like CE-SDS and icIEF.



Yongsheng Xiao, Ph.D., Senior Director, Protein Sciences

View This Recording and other Protein Science Webinars