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Scientific Poster Download

modified on 07/05/2024

MiniProtein Line Platform: High-Throughput Miniprotein Production Using High-Titer CHO
Gaozhan Zhang, Zhenyang Zhao, Mengjie Lu, Jiansheng Wu
WuXi Biologics, NO. 240 Hedan Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China

Miniproteins, comprised of 100-200 amino acids, are designed to mimic the structures and functions of natural counterparts and hold significant potential in molecular biology, drug development, and biotechnology. Traditional production methods using E. coli have challenges to meet these demands, including limited throughput, complications with protein folding, and high endotoxin levels. WuXi Biologics has introduced the MiniProtein Line platform, utilizing a high-throughput (HTP), high-titer CHO expression system to substantially increase yields and quality while dramatically reducing endotoxin levels, outperforming traditional E. coli systems.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Europe 2024 conference

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