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Scientific Poster Download

webinar modified on 17/10/2023

WuXiDAR4: A simple but powerful approach to produce homogeneous ADC products
Qing Zhou, Xudong Dai, Yun He, Jin Jin, Jun Wang, Li Yin, Jincai Li
Biologics Conjugation Development, WuXi XDC

Historically, conjugation of chemical payloads to mAbs (mainly IgG1 & IgG4) by reducing Cysteine inter-chain disulfide bonds dominated the conjugation strategy in the generation of ADCs. However this traditional mechanism was problematic as it typically resulted in significant amounts of heterogeneous products with a wide DAR distribution. Here we introduce the novel and proprietary WuXiDAR4 technology platform for producing ADCs more efficiently and with higher DAR4 population.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the 2023 World ADC Conference in London

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